lunes, 17 de enero de 2011

The unreachable stars and bars dream.

Does anyone have an idea of what does the famous "American Dream" really stands for?

Some define it, as no matter what is your background, income and country, you can be anything you want to be as long as you work hard to achieve it. But some others think it consists in just having a family and living happily ever after.

So, is the american dream tangible, material?  Or is it about values, freedom and opportunities?
Maybe it's both,  achieving happiness and everything that is involved with it. After all, the things mentioned above are exactly what everyone aims for.

But then again why people keep calling it "The American Dream" instead of just "A Dream"?
What is it that makes the US so special to be considered a place where happiness, wealthiness and opportunities  are just around the corner? And why is everyone willing to live there?

Let's think of the US as if it was a Night club. It would be the most exclusive one, everyone wanting to get in and the black suited guys at the door would be snobby and selective choosing who has the right to go inside and who doesn't. We maybe have been inside already and had so much fun that we don't care what it takes to get in again. Or maybe we don't know what's inside but if the entry is crowded, it must be great in there.
So, we are waiting outside for our lucky shot. We don't care if we are mistreated, have been waiting too long or wasting our time.
People love that.. Yes we do! The more complicated and difficult for us to access the more we want to gain entrée. But once you get in.. is it worth? Perhaps, but you can also find what you want in another place not that snobby and exclusive.
Maybe the US has a very good marketing strategy to have everyone all over the world overwhelmed, desiring to be part of it.  If they do or don't do it on purpose, they still got me!

I consider myself a victim of the publicity made about the American Dream and I am willing to be a US citizen and live in the 1st world but I have to accept it, that is not my reality.

I am Mexican, I know my country is a 3rd world and far away from being a developed country. But that is why I am here for, to change it, to contribute and make it the best night club ever where everyone will be willing to come and enjoy their lives. A safety and free place to live in. Maybe it will take longer than my life to change it but I am sure that if we start now we can built the famous American Dream for our children and we will be able to stop calling it American Dream and start calling it Pursuing Happiness.

Last but not least, Ben Franklin said: "He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither"

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