jueves, 10 de febrero de 2011

Love VS God

Today on my way to work I got lost because I was distracted by an idea that popped into my head. I kept thinking about  *LOVE and all it's variations.

So let's start by describing it: caring, compromise, affection, but it is also suffering.

Basically the question I was asking to myself was: Is love perfection?

I hope you agree with me that God is the only being completely perfect. And this will lead us to another question that would be;  Is God pure love and/or vice-versa?
How can love be perfect if it is so vulnerable? And if God is perfection and love isn't, then he can't be Love at the same time.

Anyway,  I started thinking why would God make us so imperfect if he is so perfect? How can he being perfection, could create something so imperfect (us human)? or maybe  I would better ask Why instead of How!

Could we become perfect by loving? Is that what Saints are? People who love so much that become perfect. Talking about Saints, do they love God more than they love other humans? I don't know a single one that has. So is it loving God much more difficult than loving humans? Or can we love God from loving humans? So this would mean that God is in all humans.

If God wants us to be perfect, then he then wants us to love?

And the questions can continue until I get to a Conclusion, But for now I am so sorry to leave you with the same unresolved doubt or even more confused.

Last thing, if anyone has the answer don't you think about leaving us with the doubt. Spill it out!

*We can find a  more precise definition for LOVE in wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Love

martes, 1 de febrero de 2011

Africa, the beginning of a new world..

Could it be? Well, it´s just my theory.

Maybe it´s too early to start talking about this things but, ok, it´s still too early. 
Anyway, the idea of how this world is going to end came up into my head. I know there are lots of theories but I agree with none of them. 
I really think that sooner or later there will be a war. The famous Third World War. The reason for it to start? Unknown. But I guess we all know who would be the countries featuring this war.. 
Yes, the ones you are thinking of.. US, European Union, of course China and we can´t  leave Russia or the other members of the BRICK aside, this would sum Brazil and India. Maybe some other countries in Latin America and Asia, so.. who is missing? BINGO!
Will someone consider one single country in Africa that could be involved? Maybe South Africa is the only one that has the means to deserve a roll in this WWIII but still I don´t think anyone will take it into consideration. 
By the time the WWIII starts, the resources used will be extremely dangerous and the damage: Irreversible. 
Countries affected: All the ones mentioned above and their surroundings. 
Countries free from danger: Mostly all the ones situated in Africa. 
I know this may sound weird but as I said before, it is only my prediction. 
We all know that black genes are still dominant over all other races throughout the rest of the world. 
By the end of WWIII population in most of the countries involved will be disappearing or practically  null. Diseases will start killing the rest of the humans still alive and the only race that won´t be affected, and not just that but will become stronger, is the African. 
So is anyone still totally negative about this possibility? 

When everything is destroyed..  Africans will never die.